It is quite unfortunate that the ratio of children having developmental disorders are now increasing in number worldwide. This situation has brought about an emergence of one area of nursing which is equally interesting and fulfilling. Developmental Disability Nurses are now hunted in the United States, Canada and even by employers in Australia whose embassy have just announced to stop their recruitment of foreign nurses until 2013.
Intellectual and Developmental Disability Nurses (I/DDN) are also referred to as Special Needs or Mental Retardation Nurses. They provide care, as the name speaks, for Special Children. Special Children are children diagnosed to have Autism Spectrum Disorders, Rett’s Syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Disordder (PDD), Mental Retardation or Learning Disabilities, Epilepsy and many more.
Intellectual and Developmental Disability Nurses (I/DDN) are also referred to as Special Needs or Mental Retardation Nurses. They provide care, as the name speaks, for Special Children. Special Children are children diagnosed to have Autism Spectrum Disorders, Rett’s Syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Disordder (PDD), Mental Retardation or Learning Disabilities, Epilepsy and many more.
These conditions are idiophatic by etiology but are said to be linked with incompatible genes and environmental/chemical hazards during pregnancy. DDNs work hand in hand with developmental pediatricians, occupational therapists, speech pathologists, and special education teachers in a goal to help special children become as functional and independent as possible.
Together with the family, these professionals aid special children to achieve their maximum potentials. Hence, Special Needs Nurses can work in hospitals, clinics, schools/daycare, and long-term community facilities.
To become a Registered Developmental Disability Nurse, one must gain Certification in Developmental Disability Nursing (CDDN) with the following requirements:
Work certificate or documents proving 4000 hours or an equivalent of 2 years full-time work experience in a developmental disabilities nursing practice completed within the last five years;
Pass a written examination;
Work certificate or documents proving 4000 hours or an equivalent of 2 years full-time work experience in a developmental disabilities nursing practice completed within the last five years;
Pass a written examination;
This certification is valid for two years and can be recertified by taking another exam. This Certification in Developmental Disability Nursing (CDNN) is accredited by the Developmental Disability Nurses Association (DDNA).
Source: Nursing Jobs Abroad
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